Click here to take a look @ lead pages via my cleverly hidden affiliate link
Click here to get the FREE 30 Minute Ad Formula for writing ad’s that will make your phone ring hot
I Help Visionaries Remove Bottlenecks
Vision Without Execution Is Hallucination
The same approach he used to get his attitude brand to a $37.5 Million turnover
Earlier this week I created an Awesome Free tool for You.
It’s a Spread Sheet with links to 43 places where you can promote your business online for Free and drive tons of traffic to your website.
You can grab it right here at the bottom of this page.
There are however two problems with it
Well they are not actually problems with the tool itself, the problem is actually operator error.
And that’s not helping you Make More Money and Work Less is it?
Why am I telling you all of this?
At the moment I am launching a Podcast with my business partner Alistair. Attached to the podcast is a membership site that we have the following goal for…
I thought to myself, what not turn that goal into a case study?
What I can do is work closely with 10 of the Potent Marketing Podcast Members to get them the same result before Xmas. That is over and above the awesome (pre – recorded and live) training they are already getting.
Because they are members and supporting my business, I can give them a bonus result by letting them look over my shoulder and watch exactly how to get those 100 clicks per day.
They get more specific help, which makes them refer others to the community. The community grows and they get a traffic system for their business all before Xmas.
Sounds fair and reasonable right?
So I decided to Create what I call the 100 clicks per day challenge.
There are a number of reasons that I selected 100 clicks, lets take a look at them now.
The number one reason business owners never ever get Tons of Traffic to their websites.
It’s very simple. They never focus on getting a small amount of traffic on a consistent basis first. Getting traffic is not rocket science, black magic, voodoo or just plain good luck. The cold hard facts are most business owners never put a system in place to get them the result they crave.
Have you ever heard an internet marketer tell you about how they did this one magical trick and they got “server crashing traffic” ?
Well here is the real truth…
That is a complete load of bullshit. They had systems in place that they worked on. There is no magical pill or silver bullet, it just doesn’t work that way.
 The number Two Reason business owners never ever get Tons of Traffic to their websites.
They don’t have a budget in place to actually buy that traffic. Free traffic can be highly expensive when you work out the time you spend trying to get it. It’s the icing on the cake, not the actual cake itself.
Not paying for traffic is the equivalent of buying a car and refusing to pay to put petrol in it. It’s freaking ludicrous!
How does the 100 clicks per day challenge work?
Every Day (Monday to Friday) you need to set aside 15 minutes to work on the 100 clicks per day goal as per the good old  Seinfeld Method for Getting Shit Done.
If you are not up to speed with the Seinfeld Method, watch this quick video below.
I use this method to ensure that you are not just wasting your time spinning your wheels on shit that you don’t really need to be doing. I will post a training video for you inside the Potent Marketing Podcast Community. And this is what you do…
What is the Meetup all about?
Watch this quick video and I will explain the Meetups, and the one and only Meetup rule.
I mentioned earlier that you need a budget to do this, and what you really want to know is…
How big of a budget do you need?
You need $110.00 per month (the $37.00 per month Potent Marketing Membership is counted in that) that’s all.
So where did I get that figure from?
If you want to advertise in one of the local (smaller, the bigger one charges more) papers here on the Sunshine Coast, Â the going rate for one ad for one week is $110.00!
So I figured I can do a lot better that that and made it your budget for the month. You can and should do more once you prove that your system is profitable, I mean you would be mad not to right?
I have heard story after story of local business owners forking out $1000, $2000 or more thousand a month on advertising that they really have no idea on whether it’s actually working or not.
Actually that’s not quite right.
They do know it’s not working, because no one is ringing them or coming on to buy. So what happens then is that they kid themselves by calling it a good “branding” exercise to get there name out there. Where ever “out there” is!
You will not be doing that whilst you are working with me. In fact I kick you ass if you even attempt to do it!
So it’s decision time or as we say in the Construction Game…
It’s time to Shit or get off of the Pot!
BTW if you are a little sensitive to shall we say, colourful language, I am really not the bloke you want to be working with. But I am punting if you have gotten this far, my language doesn’t bother you at all.
So here is what you need to do next…
[selz link=”http://selz.co/1oBfRSD” show_logos=”false” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#172363″ type=”widget” theme=”dark” interact=”modal”]
Opinionâs are like backsides, everyone has one and mostly they stink!
But if you want your business to stand out from the crowd online, you must have a strong opinion. Now I have a pet hate and itâs business owners that whinge about having to pay to advertise on Facebook.
You can read my thoughts on the whole thing here.
Does it put some noses out of joint? You had better believe it does. But that is a good thing for me and my business.
How can upsetting people be a good thing?
I am not interested in people that spend hours moaning about how unfair it is that they need to pay to advertise their Business on Facebook. In fact I am only interested in working with people that are keen to cash in on the huge opportunity currently presented by promoted posts.
By having a strong opinion about promoted posts, it immediately pisses the people off that want to moan about it (and they leave) and the flip side is it motivates  those interested in learning how to cash in, to find out more about me and my opinion.
So by simply expressing my opinion, I save myself countless hours of speaking to people one on one that don’t really want to know the truth (which is the need to stop fucking whinging because it’s costing them shitloads of money) because they already know what my stance is.
Now you want to know how I got those 24 new likers right?
Well it all comes back to my opinion about promoted posts. Read this image below, and then I will explain why this worked so well.
Someone on Facebook was having a good old fashioned moan about having to pay for you guessed itâŚ
 Promoted Posts.
Instead of just doing my usual stop your farking whinging comment (that Beanie the construction Superintendent would do) I used a strategy that I like to call…
When you put it like that.
Watch this quick video that will explain exactly how when you put it like that works.
That is all that I did…
I found a conversation that I didnât agree with, expressed my opinion on the topic in a way that added value, and a steady stream of new Likers came across to my page to find out more about what I had to say.
So itâs your turn now, this is what you need to do right now to do the exact same thing.
Thatâs it, I told you that you could do it straight away.
Now if you liked this post then you will want to check this outâŚ
Just after I posted that comment I realised people who were serious about taking advantage of Facebook Promoted Posts, wanted some more in depth training to get them started the right way.
So I created a Free Five Part Video training Course.
Watch this intro video now where I show you how to write an effective Promoted Posts that will get people to take action on your offers.
Turn Your Dormant Facebook Likers into Buyers. Click here for the Free 5 Part Video Course.
The Buggles sangâŚ
Video Killed the Radio Star, but the internet has brought a new twist.
Audio Podcasts may never Kill the Video Star, but they are certainly going to put the wind up it.
So what exactly is a Business Podcast, and how are you going to benefit. Thatâs what you really want to know right?
You know you should be doing the following, because these are the things that you need to do to really dominate the search engine and corner the traffic in your local area.
You know that those are the things that are going to establish you as the go to expert in your industry, but who has the time for all of that?
You already have enough on your plate, and now I want you to create a Podcast. Leave it out Beanie you are thinking to yourself, where does it all stop?
You are told by all sorts of Marketing Guruâs that you must do (insert whatever their thing is) or the whole world is going to stop spinning and your Business will be sucked down the vortex created by the world coming to a stop.
You canât have that on your conscious can you?
Believe me I know how you feel, I have felt the exact same way many times. That was before I discovered Business Podcasts.
Why are Podcasts so powerful?
Have you listened to a commercial radio station lately? I mean seriously the dribble on there some days is unbelievable.
Here is a real life exampleâŚ
The other day my wife was driving home from in town. She said that the two DJâs on the local radio statio talked for TEN MINUTES about throwing out an avocado.
Riveting stuff I know
This lack of respect for peoples time (and that is exactly what it is they have you captive so they will pump out any old crap just to fill the spaces between their advertisements) is ludicrous.
So here is the kicker
Once you publish your Business Podcast, your market can download it to their phone. Phones have that thing called bluetooth (that’s me being a smart arse) which allows them to play the audio on their phone through their car stereo.
Boom you are now their local radio station
Are you picking up what I am putting down here? Do you think they might be a little more interested in you providing them with some valuable information, that than listen to 10 minutes about throwing an avocado out?
Itâs Branding done the right way!
Once you have recorded the Podcast you can turn it into all of the following with very little effort.
You read that right. Create one 20 to 30 minute Podcast, and you can have it turned into all of those things above as cheap as chips!
So I have your attention now right?
And you want to get started with this today right? Well here are the top ten things you need to do to kick off the right way.
That is a little simplified, but basically that is all you need to do
You can complicate it as much as you like, but at the end of the day itâs not F*cking Rocket Science, itâs just a Podcast.
If you are in a hurry, and you donât have time do that right now, then take a look at this.
My partner in crime (Alistair from The Full Noise) and I are launching a Podcast very soon called..
The Audience will be Successful Business Owners that are looking to implement smart effective marketing to explode the growth that their business has already seen.
We offered four pre – launch sponsorship deals at a discounted price, those are in the final stages of being stitched up right now, so you wonât get in on them.
However you can do this
If you want to have first opportunity to grab one of those spots as soon as we release, them but before we post them publicly.
Here is what you need to do next
Simple pre – register your interest by downloading  the Free Report…
Got a specific question on one of those ten steps? Post it in the comments below and I will help you out with it.
Sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, butâŚ
When you asked your Mum what she thought of your website, and she said…
âOh itâs wonderful darling. I love the picture of you and that fantastic story about how you started your first lemonade stall when you were just a little girl – boyâ
 It was a sweet little lie.
Now chances are she didnât lie to you on purpose, in fact quite the opposite. She probably 100% believed what she said, and had your best interest at heart.
 But the Problem with your website is…
Your life story may be compelling reading to your Mum, but visitors to your website really couldnât care less about you or your lemonade stand.
They see that stuff and click they are gone. Â You are just a distant memory, lost in a sea of websites with similar stories. They ainât coming back Sunshine. Ever!
 And that is costing you big time.
So letâs take a look at the problem, and then find out why this is happening to you. Before we go any further, the reason I am telling you this is because there is an extremely cost effective simple solution to your website problem.
I want to show it to you so you can start to eradicate this issue, and start claiming those sales that you should be making, but are currently missing out on.
I donât want you getting run out of town because your competition figures this out and you were too late to the party, to catch up with them.
 Happy with that? Good lets move on.
Here is the problem.
Itâs what Marketing legend Mal Emery calls the buying cycle of a client. I will give you the stats Mal quotes first as it will make more sense once I doâŚ
The way that your website is currently set up means that you donât even get a look in for the miserable 2% of sales that are made on a first contact.
Why? Because there is no compelling reason on there for anyone to make a second contact.
 What are they going to come back for?
More of your life story that they werenât interested in the first time? Or maybe they will come back to read about how you have been an active member of the local surf club for the last 20 years.
I repeatâŚ
It ainât going to happen Sunshine!
 Okay up until here I have been pretty harsh.
Itâs not your fault your website is set up that way it currently is. Your web designer probable told you that is what you are suppose to do.
The problem with web designers is…
The majority are great at making websites look pretty, but they are not marketers. An ugly website with fantastic copy will still sell things. But a pretty site with shite copy wonât do a damned thing.
 So what is the answer? What should your website look like.
If you are feeling a little confused right now as to how a website should actually be set up, believe me I know how you feel. I felt the exact same way when I started out, and I had to spend years sorting through the hype, jargon and bullshit to find something that would actually work.
That confusion disappeared when I found this super simple to use tool, that we are going to take a look at right now.
 As I said there is good news.
All of your problems can be fixed with an online tool called Lead Pages.  A word of warning. If you actually buy Lead Pages  somewhere along the line, I may get a commission, for recommending it to you. I have to say that đ full disclosure.
Let me say this, I use it for my own business, and I wouldnât use any other product in itâs place, itâs that good.
 Lead Pages will cost you about $500.00 per year which is ridiculously cheap. But don’t tell them that I told you that, I don’t want the price to go up!
So that is your mission for today. Just check out lead pages. This awesome quote literally came across my desk whilst writing this post, and it’s very appropriate…
That is enough for today, I donât want to overload you with too much information. Simple head over and just take a look at Lead Pages. That’s it
 In the next PostâŚ
I am going to show you how to set up an effective page that will generate leads for you while you sleep. There are just a few simple steps to it, and if you can send an email and update your Facebook status, you are over qualified to do this.
To make sure you get the next post, download the Free Report below which will put you on the list that I use to notify regular readers of all my new posts.
Does size matter?
Not when it comes to sales. Actually to start with the opposite is actually true. The smaller the better.
Hang on a minute Beanie, you are off of your head you are thinking to yourself. The bigger the sale that comes through the door the better for me thank you very much.
Unfortunately that is a very short sighted way of looking at things.
Believe me I know how you feel, when you have bills to pay, all you really want is that one (big) quick sale. And up until recently I felt the exact same way that was before I stumbled across some statistics that blew me out of the water..
The trouble with that thinking though is when all you are focused on is the âbig saleâ you are more focused on your needs than your customers, so the odds of you turning them into a life long customer are minimal.
Donât think for a minute that I am saying turn a big sale away. That would be f*cking ridiculous.
Just stop and think for a minute about the lifetime value of the person standing in front of you with money burning a hole in their pocket, before you pack them up and rush them out the door with their purchase.
How are you going to get them to come back again?
Big sales straight up are great, but they are not something that you can automate with any degree of consistency. In other words, you are forever manually chasing the next big sale.
So what were the statistics that changed my mind?
The statistics came via Marketing legend Mal Emery. Long story short, most business are missing out on 80% to 90% of the sales that they should be making because they are hung up on the fact that they need to make the next big sale.
I donât have time to go into the finer details in this post, but generally 80% of sales occur when a person has between 5 to 12 contacts with a business. So by ignoring the Micro Sales, many business owners are pretty much killing their own vital cash – flow.
Let me give you an example of how this Micro – Commitment thing works.
Now my top of the line Consultancy Service is thousands of dollars per month, and if I tried solely to sell that to people on a first contact basis, I wouldnât get very far.
So I have a system with a series of Micro – Commitments that they go through first.
Not all are going to go through this process, and that is fine. But a % will and I have a system to move them through. Itâs they way that I ensure I am not losing out on the 80% to 90% of sales that I know I should be getting.
So this is how my system is set up…
The very first Micro commitment I try to get is an email address. I will run advertisement that sends people to a Free Report.
This is an ad that I have running at the momentâŚ
Six reasons people donât buy from you, even though your products and services are awesome.
Mind you they donât necessarily have to give me their email address for the first Micro – Commitment to happen. Just the act of reading a blog post or watching a YouTube video I have created (that is why those habits are so crucial) is a Micro – Commitment.
The way I look at it, that person has invested some time into listening to what I have to say. Never underestimate the power of that. The fact that someone gives you some of their precious time to check out what you have to say is a privilege, one you donât want to take for granted.
Then next offer will most likely be, a low cost training video.
Itâs very non confrontational as they donât need to speak to me, and yet I can deliver an enormous amount of value to them at a very low cost. This one is a perfect example, click on it to take a look. The store literally loads on this page.
[selz link=”http://selz.co/1jYlUzO” show_logos=”false” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#171963″ type=”button” position=”default” interact=”modal”]
After they purchase that videoâŚ
Itâs time to start removing more of their concerns regarding purchasing my services. I then offer them to attend a Live Training session. The risk for them is low, and again I can deliver exceptionally high value.
[selz link=”http://selz.co/1nECwPF” show_logos=”false” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#1f1460″ type=”button” position=”default” interact=”modal”]
At the end of the training I make a simple offer, for the next Micro – CommitmentâŚ
Like some more help? Then book an audit with me.
On the Audit again I give them heaps of information that they can action immediately, regardless of whether they are ready to buy or not.
At the end of the Audit I will offer them this…
Join my Elite level online coaching on Digital Biz Coach.Â
Finally they may get to the stage where I say how about I buy you lunch, and we talk about how I can really maximise the returns you are getting.
As you can see, each Micro – Commitment leads to bigger and better things for both of us. And I am looking to keep them as lifelong customers. I can and do though shortcut the process to the big sales.
But it takes quite an amount of Reverse Engineering and thorough Research. I am quite happy to do this, as I only need a handful of these bigger sales each year.
So that is what I am going to show you in the next post.
How to go from zero to high end client, in a very short space of time. Circumventing the system if you like.
If you want to make sure that you donât miss that post, just download the Free Report…
Six Reasons people don’t buy from you, even though your Products and Services are Awesome
And I will email that post out to you as soon as it is live.
Grab your Free Facebook Sample Marketing Plan right now. Just click on the button below, and enter your email address to download it immediately.
[selz link=”http://selz.co/1h6doi2″ show_logos=”false” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#3000AB” type=”button” position=”default” interact=”modal”]
If you are not generating any Sales from your Facebook Business Page, there is a reason. And that reason is not Facebook’s fault. Now you probable didn’t want to hear that, but I wouldn’t be doing you any favour’s by not telling you that.
What type of business can benefit from promoted posts?
Facebook Promoted Posts offer a huge opportunity for all Business Owners, if they spend a little time learning how to set them up properly. Just randomly posting any crap isn’t going to work.
Simple as that.
In the Free Report that you can download above I show you exactly how I would set up a Promoted Post for a Fishing Lure Company. This same strategy will transfer across to any real world Business.
In the report I also show you the exact tools that I use, that could be used to collect email addresses (vitally important to make sales from Facebook) and actually sell the lures straight from a Facebook Store.
Not all of the tools are free. Some you have to buy, but they are low cost and well worth the investment. Believe me they will save you enormous amounts of time.
So if you are ready to skip all of the hours of unnecessary work and get straight to the stuff that works.
Download the report and get started right now.
[selz link=”http://selz.co/1h6doi2″ show_logos=”false” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#040d70″ type=”button” position=”default” interact=”modal”]
And remember to have a beer with me before you FOQ
Post over thanks for coming see you next time. Only Joking sort of but not. That first sentence contains way more truth than you give it credit for.
Let me repeat itâŚ
 They donât buy from you because you give them way too much.
Letâs break this down and see where you are going wrong. Because once you have this sorted, your competition, literally wonât be  your competition for long.
It had to get to breaking point eventually. Everyone one kept promising bigger and better things. Buy a packet of eggs and we will throw in a brand new three bedroom house.
 Now as ridiculous as that statement seems, itâs not all that far from the truth.
This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Â I am sitting in the Physio the other day, waiting to go in. I pick up a Magazine, and start flicking through it. There is a full two page spread right in the middle of it for a Marketing Company, so of course it grabs my attention.
They were talking about having a marketing strategy. Great start I think to myself untilâŚ
They had a template that they wanted you to use, and these were the tasks they wanted you to perform or consider, before you came in to see themâŚ
Donât get me wrong everything that they mentioned was valid. The sample marketing plan was very well thought out. But there was only going to be one result if you even attempted to do it all.
Now getting my frozen shoulder moving again is farkin painful. But itâs got nothing on trying to figure all of that out after a long day in your business.
Letâs reverse Engineer thisâŚ
 What does the result look like? You want more customers to come in the door and spend money with you right?
So letâs focus solely on that. Every business that I know of has a Facebook Business Page. And they all complain about the same thing.
I donât get much business from Facebook.
So if they are not getting much business from Facebook, if for one of two main reasons…
Now that is a problem, (the way their page is run) I can easily fix. In fact it can be done in four simple steps.
So let’s take a look at what has just happened here. Â
Which one are you going to pick?
That is why people are leaving you in droves and are going to Old Mate down the road who gives them a Dodgy Product and or Service. His laziness is actaually helping him out in the short term. In other words he doesnât make them work to hard for a result.
 Huge point right here
I am not saying deliver a sub standard product or service, the complete opposite in fact. I am saying deliver a premium product that solves a problem quickly and easily, and charge accordingly.
âOver deliver on Quality, not Quantityâ Less is the new More.
 Our lives are too complicated already, as Leonard da Vinci saidâŚ
 âSimplicity is the ultimate Sophisticationâ
Now poor old Beanie is just a Fucking simple Boilermaker. But he does know this..
People love it when you make their life easy for them! Genius I know! Leonard eat your heart out.
So letâs take a look at Beanieâs Sample Marketing plan. Actually itâs a PDF report, and it only has four steps. WTF you are thinking to yourself, how can it be?
Pretty easy actually, after learning form the best training there is, I worked out that there are only four basic step that you need to follow to turn a Facebook Liker, into a Buyer.
Buy this on Selz
Sell digital downloads on Selz
Buy this on Selz
Sell digital downloads on Selz
Now which one are you more likely to take action on? The 97 steps? Or Mine the Four Simple Steps?
Mine, really, how can that be? They gave you almost 25 times as many tasks to do as I did!
I am just playing with you now. the difference is I delivered you quality not quantity.
You have a problem I gave you a solution.
And that my friend is why…
Can I shout you a Schooner  before you FOQ?
Turn Your Dormant Facebook Likers into Buyers. Click here for the Free 5 Part Video Course.
âThereâs rumorâs in the loading bay and anger in the campâ Dire Straits Love over Gold
Can you hear a really whiny pathetic sounding voice in your head? You know the one that really grates on you and sounds like someone dragging their fingernail down a chalkboard.
Hold that thought…
Use that voice right now while you repeat this sentence to yourself
Facebook doesnât show my posts anymore
If I had a dollar for every pitiful whining Facebook Page Owner that I had to listen to moan about how Facebook doesn’t show their posts anymore, then I would be sailing a yacht around the Caribbean somewhere right now.
 I have a solution for those whingers
Get over it. Itâs not going to change. Shut your page down and move on if you are not prepared to pay Facebook for advertising. The free ride is over, and itâs time to pay the ferryman. Is it fair? Donât know. But hey life isnât fair sometimes.
âEverybody knows itâs an Industrial Diseaseâ Dire Straits Love over Gold
I repeat just get over it.
Now all of the whingers have gone you and I can get on with the important task of learning how to use Facebook Promoted Posts to generate revenue for your business and brand yourself as an expert in the process.
 If you have read this far itâs for one of two reasons
How to get started without breaking the bank
Jeff Bullas wrote an awesome post the other day, which was actually the catalyst for this post. It was titled..
 Four ways to boost your Social Media Marketing for less than $1 per day
Go ahead click on that link and check Jeffâs post out then come back and we will continue.
So letâs put his idea into action. Now you have money on the line, you are not going to promote surfing dogs are you? No Beanie wouldnât think of it!
Good so what do you post?
Glad you asked. I was on a ladâs Facebook page the other day named Nick Bowditch. If you donât know Nick click here to check his Facebook page outÂ
 This is what Nick had to say about what type of post to promote, and as usual he was right on the money.
Okay so if  you have known me for any length of time you know that when someone gives me some awesome advice (like Nick & Jeff have), I jump straight on it and use it immediately.
So here is a little test that I did…
I threw one single measly dollar at this post below.
Now the Facebook Page I posted this on is not huge. In fact it just cracked the 300 likers mark. So to get a reach of 690 people for $1 is pretty good. A lot better that the 20 odd I probable would have gotten without the $1 boost. Without sounding like a steak knife salesman on the TV… But wait there is more..
I didn’t get any likes or comments (which isn’t really my goal anyway) I did however however get two people to go to a website.
That is what you want isn’t it? People to go from your Facebook page to your website? Incase you missed it, that is sarcasm!
So for $1 I got two clicks to a website. And they are qualified leads that have put their hands up and said, yes I want to know more about this. You are probable thinking big deal you spent a dollar and you got two clicks who cares.
Thinking like that is literally killing your marketing.
Every body wants to hit a six so to speak with their marketing. Very few are prepared (to use a cricket analogy) to push the ball around and get their eye in first.
You watch any top class cricket player when they first stride to the crease in a test match. They don’t try and belt the cover off of the ball until they have spent a bit of time out in the middle. Testing the bowler out and seeing where they can score easy runs.
Facebook marketing is no different.
It’s small tests like that one where you can prove that it works (extremely cheaply) then ramp it up. Once you find your sweet spot with an ad that works really well, there is no rule that says you have to stop!
Think about it this way. Say you went to the local newspaper and they charged you (I will be kind ) $150 for a small advertisement in Saturday’s paper. You place your ad and wait.
No one comes in (this is a very feasible scenario) not a soul. With Facebook you could run 150 different test ad’s just like that one above and know the result within hours!
 Are you picking up what I am putting down here?
Are you starting to see the power of what I am talking about? Good so what are you waiting for? Get over to your Facebook page and start testing!
Before you go I would really like to hear your opinion on this in the Facebook comments below. In particular I would like to hear any results that you do or don’t get from testing this out.
Lastly before you go remember to have a beer with me on the link at the bottom of the page.
Speak Soon
Click here to see more awesome images by flickr user Mark Watson