So you can quickly put context around being “on the hook” watch 79 seconds of the Seth Godin video below between 7:30 – 8:55
And we don’t want to say any of those things because it puts us on the hook.
And being on the hook feels uncomfortable and so we wriggle away.
But I think being on the hook is the best place to be
Seth Godin
Instead of a Bullshit New Years Resolution that you know you’ll never keep, how about you just put yourself on the hook for the next 12 months and together we’ll do the fucking work?
The top 1% are Willing to Admit They Need Help
Tim Grover – Relentless
The Troublemaker “You’re on the Hook to Do the Fucking Work” and go on a Ball-Tearer BRAND Building Rampage
Who’s it for?
Troublemakers that want to build a Ball-Tearer BRAND
Troublemakers are smart people with strong contrary opinions that have trouble creating the systems and structure they need to get traction.
Beanie the Troublemaker Coach
What’s it for?
I created the Troublemaker Coaching Programs which are a crazy mix of productivity habits that gives Troublemakers the structure and systems they need without constraining them.
What change am I seeking to help you make?
This allows Troublemakers to Remain Authentic – Execute Consistently – and Build their Ball-tearer Brand that has a global impact.
When You’re Ready to have a Red Hot Go…
Send me a quick message via VOXER saying…
Hey Beanie I’m ready to put myself on the hook to build my Ball-Tearer Brand

We’ll go through a series of six questions called the Triage Call to see if we’re a good fit to work together.
Troublemaker Coaching Programs start at $97 {USD} per month up to $997 {USD} per month depending on how fast you want to go.
If you want something go get it. And if you want something faster, go get it with a great mentor
Todd Hermann – The Alter Ego Effect