What Every Sunshine Coast Business Owner Ought to Know About Creating…
Confidence, Capability, Clarity and Direction
So That They Can Generate A Consistent Amount Of Targeted Traffic  To Their Website.
Earlier this week I created an Awesome Free tool for You.
It’s a Spread Sheet with links to 43 places where you can promote your business online for Free and drive tons of traffic to your website.
You can grab it right here at the bottom of this page.
There are however two problems with it
Well they are not actually problems with the tool itself, the problem is actually operator error.
- Given I have just been reading the book 80/20 The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More, statistics tell me that 8 out of 10 people that download it, will never ever use it. Â You don’t fit into that category of course otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this.
- If you actually tried to use all of those sites without some sort of system, you would literally drive yourself mad trying to get it all done.
And that’s not helping you Make More Money and Work Less is it?
Why am I telling you all of this?
At the moment I am launching a Podcast with my business partner Alistair. Attached to the podcast is a membership site that we have the following goal for…
- 100 visitor’s to the membership sign up page every day.
- 1 of those 100 visitor’s takes the $1 seven day trial every day.
I thought to myself, what not turn that goal into a case study?
What I can do is work closely with 10 of the Potent Marketing Podcast Members to get them the same result before Xmas. That is over and above the awesome (pre – recorded and live) training they are already getting.
Because they are members and supporting my business, I can give them a bonus result by letting them look over my shoulder and watch exactly how to get those 100 clicks per day.
They get more specific help, which makes them refer others to the community. The community grows and they get a traffic system for their business all before Xmas.
Sounds fair and reasonable right?
So I decided to Create what I call the 100 clicks per day challenge.
There are a number of reasons that I selected 100 clicks, lets take a look at them now.
- If you want to drive tons of traffic to your website, if you figure out how to drive 100 per day on a consistent basis first, then it’s just a matter of scaling up what you are doing
- It’s a target, I saw this saying recently… Â “If you don’t aim for anything, you will surprise yourself at how amazingly accurate you are” Nik Halik
- It’s completely achievable.
- Even if you only convert at 1%  (meaning 1 of those 100 clicks one person buys something from  every day without you lifting a finger) that has to mean less work for you right? And once again we can scale that up.
The number one reason business owners never ever get Tons of Traffic to their websites.
It’s very simple. They never focus on getting a small amount of traffic on a consistent basis first. Getting traffic is not rocket science, black magic, voodoo or just plain good luck. The cold hard facts are most business owners never put a system in place to get them the result they crave.
Have you ever heard an internet marketer tell you about how they did this one magical trick and they got “server crashing traffic” ?
Well here is the real truth…
That is a complete load of bullshit. They had systems in place that they worked on. There is no magical pill or silver bullet, it just doesn’t work that way.
 The number Two Reason business owners never ever get Tons of Traffic to their websites.
They don’t have a budget in place to actually buy that traffic. Free traffic can be highly expensive when you work out the time you spend trying to get it. It’s the icing on the cake, not the actual cake itself.
Not paying for traffic is the equivalent of buying a car and refusing to pay to put petrol in it. It’s freaking ludicrous!
How does the 100 clicks per day challenge work?
Every Day (Monday to Friday) you need to set aside 15 minutes to work on the 100 clicks per day goal as per the good old  Seinfeld Method for Getting Shit Done.
If you are not up to speed with the Seinfeld Method, watch this quick video below.
I use this method to ensure that you are not just wasting your time spinning your wheels on shit that you don’t really need to be doing. I will post a training video for you inside the Potent Marketing Podcast Community. And this is what you do…
- You watch the video.
- You have a crack at the task. If you get stuck on it put it aside bring it to the next Meetup and I will work on it with you there.
- You have a Beer or Glass of Wine. Your choice. That is assuming you do your 15 minutes at night. Please don’t drink in the morning. Lol
What is the Meetup all about?
Watch this quick video and I will explain the Meetups, and the one and only Meetup rule.
I mentioned earlier that you need a budget to do this, and what you really want to know is…
How big of a budget do you need?
You need $110.00 per month (the $37.00 per month Potent Marketing Membership is counted in that) that’s all.
So where did I get that figure from?
If you want to advertise in one of the local (smaller, the bigger one charges more) papers here on the Sunshine Coast, Â the going rate for one ad for one week is $110.00!
So I figured I can do a lot better that that and made it your budget for the month. You can and should do more once you prove that your system is profitable, I mean you would be mad not to right?
I have heard story after story of local business owners forking out $1000, $2000 or more thousand a month on advertising that they really have no idea on whether it’s actually working or not.
Actually that’s not quite right.
They do know it’s not working, because no one is ringing them or coming on to buy. So what happens then is that they kid themselves by calling it a good “branding” exercise to get there name out there. Where ever “out there” is!
You will not be doing that whilst you are working with me. In fact I kick you ass if you even attempt to do it!
So it’s decision time or as we say in the Construction Game…
It’s time to Shit or get off of the Pot!
BTW if you are a little sensitive to shall we say, colourful language, I am really not the bloke you want to be working with. But I am punting if you have gotten this far, my language doesn’t bother you at all.
So here is what you need to do next…
- Check the Selz Widget Below and Make Sure there is a spot left. If there is grab one, I am literally only doing 10 of them. I will personally email you within 24 hours with the details of how to get started. Official start date is the 1-09-14
- You have to be a member of the Potent Marketing Podcast Community, you can join here.
- Click here to get a special Bonus because you have proven that you are not one of those 8/10 that are going to do 4/5 of 5/8 of F*ck all and never ever get that Ton of traffic you deserve.
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